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Candidate with relevant professional or educational qualification validated by the Institute may be granted exemptions on any part(s) on subjects basis.
Appropriate fees are payable by candidates who so wish to be exempted.

Candidates wishing to take either the institute’s qualifying or dockworkers certificate examinations must first register with the institute as students.

Every applicant for registration, either as a student or member must not be a minor that is below18 years of age, at the date of application. Student at higher institution of learning may be allowed, to register, provided an officer of the rank of faculty dean or head of department of the institute recommends him/her.

The following qualifications are required for student registration:-
{a} Five (5) credit passes at school certificate examination conducted by WAEC.
Subject passes must include English language and mathematics. Other relevant
Subjects including Geography, Economics, Commerce, Book-keeping &
Accounting, among others.
{b} (SSCE) Senior secondary certificate of education with subjects and pass level as
In (a) above.
{c} The general certificate of education 0’level certificate with subject and pass level
As in (a) above.
{d} Holders of royal society of arts or London chamber of commerce 0’level c
Certificate with subjects and pass level as in (a) above.
{e} Matriculation examination or entrance examination of any university recognized
By the council including English and Mathematics.
{f} Mature candidate may be considered provided they can show evidence of years
Of years of practical experience in Shipping or Port Administration.
{g} Seamen competency certificates at an equivalent level.
{h} Holders of the institutes dockworkers certificate with credits in five subject.

Every candidate with 0’level qualifications must registered as Shipping certificate student and subsequent entry to the shipping certificate examination must be over fifteen (15) years of age.

Holders of statement of result issued by West African Examination Council five (5) subject passes at WAEC/SSCE Level or SSCE Certificate can be admitted as students.

Application must complete and return their registration forms and appropriate fees to the institute not later than the following dates of each examination diet:-

{a} 28th (or 29th) February for candidate doing the May examinations.

{b} 31st August for candidate doing the November examinations.

Registrations received after these dates will be deemed for the subsequent diet and not the current diet succeeding the date of payment.

Registration as a student does not confer membership of the Institute, and student may not use any initials after their names denoting that they are registered students of the institute. However, a registered student is entitled to receive the institute’s publication-Journals and Newsletters.


Candidates must purchase the examination entry form, complete and return it, together with the appropriate fees for each level, to the director of education and membership not later than the following date of each examination diet:-
{a} 31st March, for candidate doing the May examinations.
{b} 30th September, for candidates doing the November examinations.

Late entries will not be entertained by the institute.


The Institute’s examination fees are categorized and subject to review by the council. Candidates are expected to pay for:
{a} Examination entry forms
{b} Examination fees per subject at various levels
{c} Annual subscriptions, if not paid earlier
{d} Thesis supervision, administration and moderation for those at the level.

Applicable fees are obtainable at the Institute’s secretariat and are stated in the forms.

The Institute hold examination twice as follows:
{a} Third (3rd) week in May every year
{b} Third (3rd) week in November every year
(all examinations run from Monday through Wednesday at various centre’s).

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